The Global Engagement Office (GEO) at Chicago State University (CSU) welcomes you
to come in and discuss with us your desire to study abroad. The GEO staff is willing
to discuss your study abroad options with you and help you make the best choice. Before going abroad, students should be clear about CSU's academic expectations and
arrangements for their time away. Although students have probably met with their academic
advisors about what they will be doing abroad, it is useful to go over their plans
with GEO staff to clarify what they will be doing (research, language study, etc.)
in the host country. Students should be clear as to what they intend to accomplish
and how this work/study relates to their program. Students should ask themselves the
following questions: Will I be satisfying specific requirements for my degree with
this work abroad? And if so, which ones? Will I be acquiring skills which are critical
to future research? They should check with their departments and GEO about any special
notification or permission required. Finally, I wish to assure you that GEO is fully
committed to making your study abroad a very positive, educational and life-changing